
OpenDevStack provides several customized Jenkins Docker Images based on the official OpenShift images. The idea is, that you do not need to configure anything on Jenkings before you can start using it.

In ods-core/jenkins, you find the following directory structure:

Table 1. Table Directories
Directory Description


Dockerfile for Jenkins Master


OpenShift templates and Tailorfile


Dockerfile and customization for Jenkins Slave Images


Dockerfile and source code for Bitbucket webhook proxy

Jenkins Master

The following customizations are applied to enable more automatic deployment of Jenkins.

Configured Plugins

We have included some base plugins







Init groovy scripts

Jira offers to deploy post-initialization scripts.

Table 2. Table Post-Initialization Scripts
Script Description


Sets the Jenkins Location based on the OpenShift route


Sets the sonarserver url and auth token based on the configured secrets and config maps

The following environment variables must be available to Jenkins:


specifies the location of the sonarqube server.


this is the sonarqube auth token that is generated when deploying and configuring sonarqube

Mail Sending

We enable (in Dockerfile) the sending of mails to unknown users and users without read rights.

Jenkins Slave

We have a base image for different jenkins slaves. The concrete slave images are then configured as part of the quickstarters. The base image contains the following customizations

  • Sonarqube Scanner

  • Sonarqube CNES Report Plugin

  • OWASP Dependency Checker

  • Tailor

  • Setting of Enterprise Proxy

When the docker image is built, it fetches automatically the OpenShift root CA certificate and stores it, so that the oc-cli tool can pick it up later and also adds the base domain wildcard certificate to the Java certificate store.

The setting of the enterprise proxy takes care that Jenkins slave works also on OpenShift clusters in enterprises that use a web proxy.

Webhook Proxy

Provides one endpoint accepting webhooks from BitBucket and forwards them to the corresponding Jenkins pipeline (which is determined based on the branch name). If there is no corresponding pipeline yet, it will be created on the fly. Once a branch is deleted or a pull request declined/merged, the corresponding Jenkins pipeline is deleted as well.


Go to "Repository Settings > Webhooks" and click on "Create webhook". Enter Jenkins as Title and the route URL (see following Setup section) as URL. Under "Repository events", select Push. Under "Pull request events", select Merged and Declined. Save your changes and you’re done! Any other webhooks already setup to trigger Jenkins are not needed anymore and should be deactivated or deleted.


Run tailor update in ocp-config. This will create BuildConfig and ImageStream in the central cd namespace. Next, you will have to create a DeploymentConfig, Service and Route in the namespace your Jenkins instance runs.