Introduction to OpenDevStack

What is OpenDevStack?

When we started with the OpenShift container platform we were blown away by the 100s of possibilities to use it, but there was nothing along the lines of “This is how you make it work for your org”. What we wanted is to enable developers to quickly introduce Continous Delivery and standardized technology archetypes. We call this lean, empowered governance.

OpenDevStack (ODS) is how we achieve this. It is, to a large extent, tooling sitting in between your local software development (your machine/editor), and the running software in the target environemnt (OpenShift etc.). As such, most of ODS functionality is within and related to the CI/CD process.

What ODS isn’t

  • ODS has no overlap with your local environment, such as the editor you use to develop software.

  • ODS is not a project management solution, rather it makes use of the Atlassian suite (Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket).

  • ODS does not run your software application. ODS only deploys your software into a target environment (= OpenShift, but deployment could really be anywhere, such as AWS etc.).

  • ODS is not a replacement for tools in the container space - rather it is one coherent offering of a selection of existing (open-source) tools.

High-Level Overview of ODS

ODS is comprised of core functionality, and a configurable set of so-called quickstarters. Quickstarters can be seen as software templates, which can be instantiated in your project to create a component of your application quickly, with all the integration / configuration setup out-of-the box. The officially supplied quickstarters include, but are not limited to: Java (Spring Boot), Python (Flask), Scala (Play), Go, Angular, Ionic, Jupyter, RShiny.

The core ODS functionality offers the following:

  • A central provisioning application (the “entry point of ODS”) which allows to:

    1. provision new projects and

    2. provision components from aforementioned quickstarters within those projects

  • A central Nexus instance to store and retrieve software artefacts.

  • A central SonarQube instance to statically analyze the software components of a project.

  • Customized Jenkins Master and Jenkins agent base images that are integrated with e.g. Bitbucket, OpenShift, Nexus and SonarQube. Each project runs its own Jenkins Master instance using the centrally provided image.

  • A Jenkins Shared Library which can be used from each software component to cover most CI/CD functionality. The shared library offers all language-agnostic features, such as checking out source code, running static analysis, building container images, and deploying artefacts into the target environment. Each component only needs to add in their Jenkinsfile language-specific functionality such as building artefacts (e.g. JAR files).

  • A release manager component which can be installed in each project to generate GxP documents from Jenkins pipeline runs (through the use of a centrally provided document generation service image).

Quickstarters provide the following:

  • Jenkins agent images that can be used during pipeline runs to build a specific language / framework

  • Boilerplate of a specific language / framework with a "Hello World" example

  • A Jenkinsfile integrating the Jenkins shared library and providing basic artefact building for the specific language / framework

  • Integration with SonarQube, Nexus, OpenShift etc. as required

When quickstarters are provisioned through the provisioning application, a repository is created on Bitbucket for the new component. The repository is populated with the boilerplate, and immediately built and deployed via Jenkins through the ODS integration. Developers can start to work on features straight away without setting up CI/CD and integrating various services.

Parts of OpenDevStack

The following pictures the different parts ODS is made out of:


Journey: From Commit To Deployment

Below is a diagram detailing the flow of an OpenDevStack CI/CD pipeline:

OpenDevStack Journey From Commit to Deployment


Each major ODS release is identified by a version such as 2, 3, 4 and so on. Administrators of ODS can either:

  • install from master to follow the cutting edge

  • install from 2.x, 3.x, etc. branches to stay on a major version, but get bug fixes (minor versions)

  • install from v2.0.0, v3.0.0, etc. tags to pin an exact version

  • use a custom branch / tag such as 2.acme or 3.custom etc. to run ODS with customizations

Users of ODS simply consume the version installed by their ODS administrators.

A major update (e.g. 2.x to 3.x or 3.x to 4.x) is, from a user perspective, an explicit update. This means that although admins update the ODS installation in the cluster, users still have to explicitly adopt that change (e.g. by updating their Jenkins image reference and so on). Therefore, a major version change is accompanied by an update guide like Update to 3.x. For admins, a major update might mean that configuration options have to be changed or migration steps have to be taken, as well as rebuilding and rolling out all images etc.

A minor update (consuming changes/bugfixs on a release branch such as 3.x) is, from a user perspective, an implicit update. This means that only admins have to make a change to the ODS installation in the cluster. Users should get those changes automatically, without the need to explicitly adopt it. Therefore, there is no update guide for minor updates. For admins, a minor update should (typically) not require changing configuration options nor performing migration steps - only rebuilding and rolling out some (or all) images should be needed.


Each version is tracked as a GitHub project. The current major version is 4, the next one will be 5.

4.2 (Target Date: End-of-Feb 2022)

  • See project page for details.

4 (November 2021)

  • OpenShift 4 support (keeping 3.11 compatibility)

  • Support for Kubernetes-native Deployment resources and Helm 3 within component pipeline

  • dropped machine learning quickstarter

  • Integration with Aqua Security

  • Implement health checks for quickstarters

3 (August 2020)

  • Rename central namespace to ODS, and extend with running provisioning app

  • Install provisioning app and document generation service from pre-built images

  • Quickstarter pipeline

  • Merge of MRO (now: orchestration pipeline) into general shared pipeline

  • Automation of SonarQube and Nexus setup

  • Decorate Bitbucket pull requests with SonarQube analysis

  • Promote images between environments if possible (instead of rebuilding)

  • New (single page) app user interface as optional feature

2 (December 2019)

  • Removal of Rundeck (replace with Jenkins jobs)

  • New quickstarter concept (multiple repo support)

  • Project specific technical users

  • CPU and memory quota support

1.2 (October 2019, using old versioning scheme)

Initial version of document generation service and MRO pipeline

1.1 (June 2019, using old versioning scheme)

Incremental improvements.

1.0 (November 2018, using old versioning scheme)

Initial release.