1. Where is the provision app deployed?

    1. the provision application is deployed on openshift, in both prov-dev and prov-test. prov-dev is the development environment in case you want to change / enhance the application, while the production version of the application is deployed in prov-test. The URL to get to the provision application, is defined thru a route. Ít’s https://prov-app-test..

  2. Why are three Openshift projects created when I provision a new project?
    A: The project-name-dev & -test ones are runtime namespaces. Depending on which branch you merge / commit your code into, images will be built & deployed in one of the two (further information on how this is done - can be found in the jenkins-shared-library
    In contrast to this, the project-name-cd namespace hosts a project specific instance of the ODS Jenkins and also of the Webhook Proxy. When a built is triggered, builder pods (=deployments of Jenkins slaves) are created in this project.
    This was a cautious design choice to give a project team as much power as possible - when it comes to configuration of jenkins.

  3. What is RUNDECK used for?
    A: Rundeck is used as orchestration engine when the provision application triggers provision jobs (e.g. create new projects, create components). This architecture is subject to change likely in release 2.0, to dramatically reduce complexity in multi cluster scenarios.

  4. Where do I find the logs, if something went wrong?

    1. Within the Openshift pod of the provision app (in projectdev/test, namely in /opt/provision/history/logs a logfile is created per project)

  5. Where is the real configuration of the provision application?

    1. The base configuration in the the application.properties in the codebase, the setup specific one is in a config map deployed within the prov-dev/test project.