Provisioning Application

Table of Contents

This application creates new OpenDevStack projects. It is the central entrypoint to get started with a new project / or provision new components based on quickstarters. It delegates the tasks to create / update resources to several services such as Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket and Jenkins.

Basic idea & usage

  1. An admin creates new ODS project. This in turn creates:

    • a Jira Project (name based on project key)

    • a Confluence Space (name based on project key)

    • if OpenShift was selected - a Bitbucket Project (name based on project key). Within this project two default repositories are created: <project-key>-oc-config-artifacts for all OpenShift YAML resources used during export/import as well as <project-key>-design<project> for any design artifacts (e.g. sketches)

    • if OpenShift was selected - the required Openshift projects named <project-key>-dev, <project-key>-test and <project-key>-cd. Internally those are created and configured using a Jenkins pipeline.

  2. A normal user creates new components by provisioning quickstarters. This can be done by picking the project to modify in the UI and then selecting the desired quickstarter. This creates:

    • a Bitbucket repository within the chosen project named <project-key>-<component-name>. This repository has a webhook configured which will start a new Jenkins job each time a new commit is pushed.

    • OpenShift resources based on the chosen quickstarter


  1. Why are three OpenShift projects created when I provision a new project?
    The <project-key>-dev and <project-key>-test namespaces are runtime namespaces. Depending on which branch you merge / commit your code into, images will be built & deployed in one of the two (further information on how this is done - can be found in the Component Pipeline
    In contrast to this, the <project-key>-cd namespace hosts a project-specific instance of Jenkins Master and Webhook Proxy. When a build is triggered, builder pods (= deployments of Jenkins agents) are created in this project.
    This was a cautious design choice to give a project team as much power as possible when it comes to configuration of Jenkins.