Data Science Industrialization Boilerplate

This boilerplate enables data scientists to develop, serve, version models within a CI/CD pipeline hosted on OpenShift with the goal in mind that one does not have to take care/change much of the needed pipeline and infrastructure.

For pull requests and discussion regarding direction, please pull in @hugowschneider, @sklingel and @gerardcl

Basic Setup

The boilerplate provides a two pod setup in OpenShift, one pod for training service and one pod for prediction service.

Container services

From one Dockerfile, under docker folder, both training and prediction services are built. If required, one can edit it in order to provide different dependency management workflows for each service.

  • The training service provides a pod that is able to reproduce/retrain the model that is developed in the current commit either locally on OpenShift or execute the training on a remote linux system using ssh. The training process is wrapped into a flask server to be able to monitor and possible restart the training process. Moreover, the training service offers an endpoint for downloading the created model afterwards. Additionally, unittests and integration tests are executed on the training pod, in order to not depend on operating dependencies in the jenkins agent.

  • The prediction service provides a simple flask service for getting new predictions out of your model by making json posts to the prediction REST endpoint. The prediction service is already built with the newly trained model from the training pod.


The Jenkinsfile organizes the correct succession of spinning up the training, executing it and starting the new deployment of the prediction service. Additionally, it triggers unittest ensuring the code is functionally before a new training process is started. Moreover, integration tests are run against the reproduced model wrapped into the prediction REST endpoint to ensure that the reproduced model (performance) behaves as expected also when wrapped in the flask service.

External Files

External files that are needed either for building your model or docker images are stored under resources. For demonstration purposes a training and test csv file is stored in resources. This approach has to be reevaluated for each new use case, considering data size and confidentiality.

src - the heart of your service

The src folder contains the infrastructure coded needed for providing the services in OpenShift in src/services. Custom code for developing your prediction service is organized in the src/model package. In the (common) src/requirements.txt you can specify python dependencies for training, prediction and tests. To keep it simple, there is only one requirements.txt for both pods.


The test directory mirrors the structure of the src, either for unittests or integration tests using the python unittest framework.

How to Code Your Own Models

To run your own customized models there is usually no need to change either the Jenkinsfile, OpenShift setup or the training and prediction microservices. Custom model code will go under src/model and can be organized in custom packages like showcased with the src/model/data_cleaning and src/model/feature_prep. In general, it can be organized as the users prefers. There are no further restrictions for developing the in the style you want, for the exception to provide the mandatory functions and attributes in src/model/ for the `ModelWrapper class:

  • prep_and_train: is called by the train script (which one can customize) and expects a pandas dataframe (current implementation). The train script is called by the training service

  • prep_and_predict: is called by the predict endpoint service from the prediction service. It consumes the json post as a dictionary. The predict endpoint executes prep_and_predict.

  • Good practice: source_features, specifying the name that are used a input for the model. This features include really the source columns from which also more complicated features are derived within the model boundaries

  • Good practice: target_variable, name of the variable that should be used as target for a possible supervised approach.

As well as the train function in the src/ It specifies how the model should be trained.

Make sure your specified all dependencies in the requirements.txt.

How to Develop your Model Locally

It is recommended to develop your code against the python interpreter & dependencies specified in the docker images. This can be easily achieved, either by using an IDE that supports that (e.g. PyCharm) or by doing manually in the docker container.

Data Versioning

In order to ensure complete reproducibility, in case train and/or test data can’t be committed to a git repository due to size or confidentiality/data privacy considerations, data versioning can be achieved using the built in dvc data version capabilities.` Moreover, technical user account is needed so that the CI/CD pipeline is able to pull the data dependencies from the remote data versioning repository.

Do the following steps in order to make use of the data versioning capabilities

  1. Initialize the quickstarter repository as a dvc repository: dvc init

  2. Setup the a remote repository on a remote ssh machine, e.g. Data Lake dvc remote add <remote_name> ssh://<remote_server>:/<path_to_storage>

  3. Configure authentification. For local development you can set your own user account, assuming it has access to <path_to_storage> or use a technical user account. dvc remote modify <remote_repository_name> user <technical_user_account> and set the prompt for password, so that you don’t commit your password to the repository dvc remote modify <remote_name> ask_password True

  4. Start adding files that should be tracked by data versioning dvc add <some_file> this will create a new file with meta information about <some_file> called <some_file>.dvc. This meta file needs to be tracked with git, so that it is ensured that each git commit is linked with a specific data version git add .gitignore <some_file>.dvc

  5. Modify your train() and potentially the integration tests to pull the data dependencies from the remote repository. A helper class is provided in src/services/remote/dvc/ that can be used as follows: from services.infrastructure.remote.dvc.data_sync import DataSync syncer = DataSync(dvc_data_repo, dvc_ssh_user, dvc_ssh_password) syncer.pull_data_dependency(file_name)

  6. Commit your code and push the data versioned files to the remote repository git commit dvc push -r <remote_name> git push

  7. In order for a successful Jenkins build, the following environment variables need to be set in the training pod deployment: DSI_DVC_REMOTE, DSI_SSH_USERNAME, `DSI_SSH_PASSWORD

Example & Example Dataset

An example implementation of a custom model is given in src/model, to demonstrate how to organize custom code. A Logistic Regression using scikit-learn with some (unnecessary) feature cleaning and engineering is trained on the iris data flower set.

Iris flower data set. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved January 7, 2019, from https://en

Structure of the quick starter

  • Training

    • Build Config

      • name: <componentId>-training-service

      • variables: None

    • Deployment Config

      • name: <componentId>-training-service

      • variables:


        • DSI_TRAINING_SERVICE_USERNAME: auto generated username

        • DSI_TRAINING_SERVICE_PASSWORD: auto generated password

    • Route: None by default - no routes exposed to internet

  • Prediction

    • Build Config

      • name: <componentId>-prediction-service

      • variables: None

    • Deployment Config

      • name: <componentId>-prediction-service

      • variables:

        • DSI_TRAINING_BASE_URL: http://<componentId>-training-service.<env>.svc:8080

        • DSI_TRAINING_SERVICE_USERNAME: username of the training service

        • DSI_TRAINING_SERVICE_PASSWORD: password of the training service

        • DSI_PREDICTION_SERVICE_USERNAME: auto generated username

        • DSI_PREDICTION_SERVICE_PASSWORD: auto generated password

    • Route: None by default - no routes exposed to internet

Remote Training

Remote training allows you to run your training outside of the OpenShift training pod on a linux node using a ssh connection. A conda environment is installed in the remote node and the requirements specified in src/requirements.txt are installed. Once this step is finished the training is executed on that node and the trained model is transferred back to the training pod.

To enable remote training set the DSI_EXECUTE_ON variable in OpenShift to SSH and specify the connection information in the environment variables: DSI_SSH_HOST, DSI_SSH_PORT, DSI_SSH_USERNAME and DSI_SSH_PASSWORD.


Training Endpoint

  • / : Return all information about the training service

  • /start : Starts the training.

  • /finished : Checks if the current traning task is finished

  • /getmodel : Download the latest trained model

Prediction Endpoint

  • /predict : Return all information about the training service

    • payload: Should be a json containing the data necessary for prediciton. The payload is not pre defined, but it is defined by the trainined model

There is not need for any kind of payload in all endpoints.

Environment Variables for training

Environment Variable Description Allowed Values


Enables debug mode

true, 1 our yes for debug mode, otherwise debug is disasbled


Where the train should be executed



Username to be set as default username for accessing the services

string, required


Password to be set as default password for accessing the services

string, required

Following variables are applicable if DSI_EXECUTE_ON=SSH


SSH host name where train should be executed (Only applicable if DSI_EXECUTE_ON=SSH)

host names or ip addresses


SSH host port where train should be executed (Only applicable if DSI_EXECUTE_ON=SSH)

port numbers (Default: 22)


SSH username for remote execution



SSH password for remote execution



HTTP proxy url for remote execution. This is needed if the remote machine needs the proxy for download packages and resources



HTTPS proxy url for remote execution. This is needed if the remote machine needs the proxy for download packages and resources



Name of the dvc remote repository that has been initialized with dvc


Environment Variables for prediction

Environment Variable Description Allowed Values


Enables debug mode

true, 1 our yes for debug mode, otherwise debug is disasbled


The base url where the prediction service should get the model from

url (e.g. https://training.OpenShift.svc


Username of the training service

string, required


Password of the training service

string, required


Username to be set as default username for accessing the service

string, required


Password to be set as default password for accessing the service

string, required

How this quickstarter is built through jenkins

The build pipeline is defined in the Jenkinsfile in the project root. The main stages of the pipeline are:

  1. Prepare build

  2. Sonarqube checks

  3. Build training image

  4. Deploy training pod

  5. Unittests

  6. Execute/reproduce training either on openshift pod or in ssh remote machine

  7. Integration test against the newly trained model wrapped in the flask /prediction endpoint

  8. Build prediction image

  9. Deploy prediction service

Builder agent used

Frameworks used

  • Python 3.8

  • Python Flask 1.1.2

Known limitions

  • Not ready for R models yet

  • In the case of building the docker image from behind a proxy and encountering certificate issues, adding a -k to the curl command can mitigate that, consider however the implications of disabling certificate

  • Consider moving to ssh remote server training, if you expect high and long computational load during training phase. It might cause unnecessary stress on the openshift cluster, otherwise.