Jdk Jenkins agent


This agent is used to build Java code.

The image is built in the global ods project and is named jenkins-agent-jdk. It can be referenced in a Jenkinsfile with ods/jenkins-agent-jdk.


  1. Nexus and HTTP proxy configuration for Maven & Gradle

Supported Java Versions

This agent provides 3 JDKs: java 11, java 17 and java 21.

For backwards compatibility java 11 is the default version. Java projects migrating from previous ODS version will not require any change. A migration to java 17 and java 21 can be done afterwards.

To switch the environment to java 17 the script use-j17.sh is provided at the jenkins home folder. To switch the environment to java 21 the script use-j21.sh is provided at the jenkins home folder. Following command shows how the jenkins build script from the springboot quickstarter switches the java version before calling the gradle wrapper:

def status = sh(script: "$HOME/use-j21.sh && ./gradlew clean build --stacktrace --no-daemon && $HOME/use-j11.sh", returnStatus: true)
like this example, you will need to switch back to java 11 after running the gradlew build. This is required because the jdk agent environment still does not support the latest java version. E.g. the sonar scanner is not compatible with the latest java version.

Installed packages

Dockerfile.ubi8 installs: - java-21-openjdk-devel & java-21-openjdk-jmods - java-17-openjdk-devel & java-17-openjdk-jmods - java-11-openjdk-devel & java-11-openjdk-jmods

detail about java installed packages can be found in https://centos.pkgs.org

Known limitations
