Update Guide to version 4.x for OpenDevStack users

Learn all about how to update your OpenDevStack based project to ODS 4.x.

It is assumed that you are updating from ODS 3.x.

Update image tags of Jenkins deployments

Go into your OpenShift *-cd namespace and edit (via "Actions" > "Edit") the deployments (jenkins and webhook-proxy) to point to the new image tags (4.x), and trigger a deployment.

Jenkins Shared Library

What’s new?

Deployment resources

ODS has had support for the OpenShift-specific DeploymentConfig resources (controlled by ReplicationControllers) only so far. Now, Kubernetes-native Deployment resources (controlled by ReplicaSets) can be used as well in the component pipeline. Deployment resources are recommended by OpenShift going forward, see https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/latest/applications/deployments/what-deployments-are.html.


Helm 3 is supported now in the component pipeline. This means that Helm (with plugins helm-diff and helm-secrets) can be used as an alternative to Tailor (OpenShift Templates) to define Kubernetes resources in your repository. Helm has some limitations in OpenShift 3.11, but it is the recommended way forward on OpenShift 4. Tailor will be phased out at some point in the future when OpenShift 3.11 is no longer supported by ODS. If you do not author Kubernetes resources in your repository, now is a great time to start with Helm. If you already define OpenShift Templates in your repository and want to switch to Helm, read the migration guide from Tailor to Helm.

branch/branches options for all stages

  • All ODS component stages understand the branch/branches options now. Those options allow pipeline authors to control for which branches a specific stage should run. As with the branchToEnvironmentMapping option, three types of branch references are supported:

    1. exact match (e.g. master, develop - matching branches named master, develop)

    2. prefix match (e.g. release/, 'feature/' - matching branches named release/1, feature/foobar)

    3. wildcard match (* - matching all branches)

Support of gitmodules

If you use Git submodules in your repository, the submodules will now be checked out by Jenkins. This is done automatically when a .gitmodules file is present.

Required changes to adopt 4.x

  • Update @Library('ods-jenkins-shared-library@3.x') _ to @Library('ods-jenkins-shared-library@4.x') _ and point to agent images with the 4.x tag, e.g. change imageStreamTag: 'ods/jenkins-agent-golang:3.x' to imageStreamTag: 'ods/jenkins-agent-golang:4.x'.

  • Application images are built in your -cd project now. Previously they were built in your -dev and *-test project. While the update itself should be completely automatic, there are two consequences:

    1. You can delete BuildConfig and ImageStream resources from your OpenShift templates (in fact odsComponentStageBuildOpenShiftImage does not run tailor apply anymore).

    2. If you made modifications to a BuildConfig you’ll need to re-apply those changes in your *-cd project once the BuildConfig has been migrated there by a pipeline run.

    3. ODS 3.x introduced odsComponentStageImportOpenShiftImageOrElse, which allowed to execute some stages only if a container image could not be imported from another namespace or already existed in the current namespace. In ODS 4.x, the check for existing images is only performed in the *-cd namespace. To reflect this, odsComponentStageImportOpenShiftImageOrElse has been deprecated, and is now aliased to the new method, odsComponentFindOpenShiftImageOrElse. The pipeline option imagePromotionSequences has been removed as it is not applicable anymore.

  • odsComponentStageRolloutOpenShiftDeployment rolls out all deployment resources together now. If you had multiple DeploymentConfig resources previously, you had to target each one by specifying the config option resourceName. This is no longer possible - instead the stage iterates over all DeploymentConfig resources with the component label (app=${projectId}-${componentId}). Changes must be made to pipelines that have multiple deployments, such as components based on the ds-jupyter-notebook and ds-rshiny quickstarter.

  • The auto-cloning feature has been removed. If you used this to create ad-hoc namespaces per Jira issue, this is no longer possible now. Changes must be made if your pipeline configured autoCloneEnvironmentsFromSourceMapping. Please see https://github.com/opendevstack/ods-jenkins-shared-library/issues/374 for more information.

  • Versioned development environments in orchestration pipeline are not created automatically anymore. Note that it is still possible to use separate development environments per version, but the namespaces have to be created manually upfront. Take this into account if your pipeline configures versionedDevEnvs: true. Please see https://github.com/opendevstack/ods-jenkins-shared-library/pull/513 for more information.

  • odsComponentStageRolloutOpenShiftDeployment changed its return type because it now supports Deployment resources, as well as multiple deployment resources. Therefore, it returns a map now, where the keys are <kind>/<name>, e.g. Deployment/foo and DeploymentConfig/bar. This only affects pipelines that make use of this return value, such as components based on the ds-ml-service and be-fe-mono-repo-plain quickstarter.

Notes about quickstarters

ds-ml-service quickstarter no longer supported

If you provisioned ds-ml-service quickstarter, please note that it has been moved out from the officially supported quickstarters (ods-quickstarters) repository and moved to extra-quickstarters. It has been set as deprecated due to being superseded by other OpenSource projects like MLflow and Cloud SaaS solutions.

ds-jupyter-notebook renamed to ds-jupyter-lab

The quickstarter ds-jupyter-lab is the new name for the known ds-jupyter-notebook. Which also comes with the newest JupyterLab version 3.