Data Science Streamlit

Purpose of this quickstarter

Provisions a streamlit based dashboard with authentication.

What files / architecture is generated?

├── Jenkinsfile
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── docker_streamlit
│   └── Dockerfile
├── docker_oauth
│   └── Dockerfile - Dockerfile for the oauth, please don't change this for proper promotion
├── src - Example code structure based on individual python modules
│   ├── calculation
│   │  │──
│   │  └──
│   ├── plots
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └──
├── tests
│   └── calculation
│       └──
│── .gitignore
│── requirements.txt - requirements for running the application
│── test_requirements.txt - adds additional requirements for the test frameworks
│── metadata.yml - Component metadata
└── release-manager.yml - Configuration file for the Release Manager

Usage - how do you start after you provisioned this quickstarter

The quickstarter sets up in OpenShift a pod with two containers. The main ds-streamlit container is behind and protected by the OpenShift OAuth proxy container (i.e.: it is a sidecar container).

It is strongly recommended when you are developing a Python project to use separated environments. For this purpose usually one can use Python’s venv core package (check how to use it in the next steps).

since the version of Python is 3.11, ensure your system’s python executable is also in version 3.11
# Create virtual environment 'mylocaldevelopment' (will be located in the folder mylocaldevelopment) (run only once)
python -m venv mylocaldevelopment

# Initiate virtual environment for the project (every time)
source mylocaldevelopment/bin/activate

# Runs installation of required modules in the virtual environment (run only once)
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Start your application
PYTHONPATH=src python src/


name: <the component id (this is the default, if omitted)>
description: "Some dashboard based on Streamlit"
version: 1.0.1
type: ods
role: dashboard
runtime: streamlit
runtimeVersion: 1.29.0

How this quickstarter is built through Jenkins

The Jenkinsfile is provisioned with this quick starter to ease CI/CD process. In Jenkinsfile, there are various stages:

  • Prepare Test Suite - Prepares the virtual environment for testing and linting:

  • Lint - Runs mypy and flake8 for increasing code quality: In order to be sure that your code passes the linting stage execute or add it as a pre-commit hook to your git.

      black src
  • Test - Runs pytest and generates xUnit and code coverage reports:

  • Build - Builds the application: copies src folder into docker_streamlit/dist folder.


Builder agent used

This quickstarter uses Python builder agent Jenkins builder agent.

Known limitations

Let us know if you find any, thanks!