Infrastructure Terraform AWS Quickstarter (inf-terraform-aws)

The project supports generation of AWS deployments utilizing terraform tooling. installation and integration of it with OpenShift CD pipelines.

Purpose of this quickstarter

The quickstarter comes with a sample terraform resource which deploys a S3 bucket using AWS CloudFormation. This is a showcase to elaborate the combination of both technologies.

The quickstarter includes kitchen-terraform with InSpec / cinc-auditor for testing.

What files / architecture is generated?

├── Jenkinsfile - This file contains Jenkins stages.
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── environments
│   ├── dev.json - This file describes parameters for the development AWS environment.
│   ├── test.json - This file describes parameters for the test AWS environment.
│   └── prod.json - This file describes parameters for the production AWS environment.
├── test - This folder contains the root for test-kitchen
│   ├── fixtures/default - This folder contains the test case to deploy.
│   └── integration/default/controls/ - This folder contains the test cases to test.

Usage - how do you start after you provisioned this quickstarter

Inject preferred tags into, add/remove resources needed to

How this quickstarter is built through Jenkins

The Jenkinsfile is provisioned with this quick starter to ease CI/CD process. In Jenkinsfile, there are various stages.


Builder agent used

This quickstarter uses terraform Jenkins agent.

Known limitations

Let us know if you find any, thanks!