Backend Rust Axum Quickstarter (be-rust-axum)

The project supports generation of Rust programming language based projects, with the Axum web framework by default, and quick installation and integration within OpenShift Jenkins CICD pipelines.

For Database/Postgres integration it is recommended to use SQLx. Check the Axum with SQLx example. Enjoy a full async, safe and high performant setup!

Purpose of this quickstarter

This is a Rust project with a common Rust project folder and files structure, with its file for the final binary to be built, and that makes use of the file, which exposes the crates (AKA modules or packages) of the project (where the business logic happens). Similar to Python project structures.

The quickstarter comes with a simple API-server example written in Rust and using the Axum web framework. The package allows to easily build a Rust project, using different Rust crates (packages). It contains the basic setup for Docker, Jenkins, SonarQube and OpenShift.

NOTE The project can be also extended to build other types of solutions with, for example, WASM or IoT.

What files / architecture is generated?

├── 📂 .config - The local Rust project config folder
│   └──  nextest.toml - The local Nextest config file (required for Jenkins CICD)
├──  .pre-commit-config.yaml - The pre-commit config file one can extend, and providing gitleaks tool by default.
├── 📂 chart - The Helm chart folder
│   ├── 📂 templates - The resource files to define in your project (i.e.: deployment.yml, service.yml,...)
│   │   ├── 📂 tests - Helm tests folder
│   │   │   └──  test-connection.yaml - Helm test connection to app service after a new release
│   │   ├── 📄 _helpers.tpl - Helm helpers template
│   │   ├──  deployment.yaml - The k8s Deployment template for the app to release
│   │   ├──  NOTES.txt - The release notes processed on each release
│   │   └──  service.yaml - The k8s Service template for the app to release
│   ├──  Chart.yaml - The Helm Chart main config file
│   └──  values.yaml - The values to process on your Helm chart
├── 📂 docker - The docker context to build
│   └──  Dockerfile - The docker file to deploy and run
├── Jenkinsfile - This file contains Jenkins build configuration settings
├── 📂 src
│   ├── 📂 api
│   │   ├── 📂 routes
│   │   │   ├── 🦀 - The routes module file
│   │   │   └── 🦀
│   │   ├── 🦀 - The api module file
│   │   └── 🦀 - The router API routes file
│   ├── 📂 config
│   │   ├── 🦀 - The config module file
│   │   └── 🦀 - The settings file
│   ├── 📂 models
│   │   ├── 🦀 - The models module file
│   │   └── 🦀 - The status model example file
│   └── 🦀
├── 📂 target - The target folder where all builds (debug, release, ...) are stored (do not commit to git!)
├── 📂 tests
│   ├── 🦀 - Common util implementations and functions
│   └── 🦀 - Testing the status endpoint example
├──  Cargo.lock - The Rust dependency hash tree of this project
├──  Cargo.toml - The Rust project config file
├──  metadata.yml - Component metadata
├──  - This README file
├──  release-manager.yml - Configuration file for the Release Manager
├──  rustfmt.toml
└──  - This file contains SonarQube configuration settings

Frameworks used

Usage - how do you start after you provisioned this quickstarter

The project is production ready when deployed in OpenShift.

Rust community and official resources are great to get to it, see learn Rust.

To get Rust ready on your local environment you just require installing rustup (see install Rust)

# Get the Rustup CLI and already install target computer toolchain and latest stable Rust version
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

# If you are new to Rust (also check the rustlings TUI)
rustup doc --book

# Run Unit, Integration and Documentation tests
cargo test

# Cargo format source code
cargo fmt

# Cargo run locally
cargo run

# Cargo run Rust linters
cargo clippy

# Cargo generate documentation
cargo doc [--document-private-items] --open

One can also extend the cargo features by installing cargo extensions like:

# Live reload locally
cargo install cargo-watch  #
# Then you can live reload by:
cargo watch -x run

# Nextest, with enhanced usage from default Rust cargo test
cargo install cargo-nextest
# ...

NOTE For an extended list of awesome cargo extensions and Rust tools check here and here.


The following are typical metadata values that can be used for components based on this quickstarter: Note that the OpenShift resources will be labeled based on this metadata.

name: <the component id (this is the default, if omitted)>
description: "Some microservice implemented in Rust with Axum web framework"
version: 1.0.1
type: ods
role: backend
runtime: rust
runtimeVersion: 1.75.0

How this quickstarter is built through Jenkins

The Jenkinsfile is provisioned with this quick starter to ease CI/CD process. In Jenkinsfile, there are various stages:

  • Cargo Check - Checks we can compile:

      cargo check --all-targets
  • Cargo Format - Checks code is properly formatted:

      cargo fmt --all -- --check
  • Cargo Clippy - Collection of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code (output is also used on SonarQube reports):

      cargo clippy --all-features
  • Cargo Test - Runs nextest (instead of cargo test) with xUnit test report generation (see .config/nextest.toml) and code coverage reports with LLVM coverage tool:

      cargo nextest run --profile ci
      cargo llvm-cov --lcov
  • Build - Builds the release target binary and moves it to the docker folder:

      cargo build --release


Builder agent used

This quickstarter uses Rust Jenkins builder agent.

NOTE: The ODS Jenkins Rust Agent supports Rust versions 1.75.x and above.

Technologies in use

The following Rust technologies are in use when running this boilerplate:

  • Axum: Web application framework that focuses on ergonomics and modularity.

  • Tokio: Runtime for writing reliable, asynchronous, and slim applications.

  • Tower: Library of modular and reusable components for building robust networking clients and servers.

  • Hyper: A fast and correct HTTP implementation for Rust.

Known limitations

Let us know if you find any, thanks!