Backend - Go (be-golang)

Purpose of this quickstarter

Use this quickstarter when you want to use Go. Go is well suited for CLI tools, network/operational related things and microservices.

What files / which architecture is generated?

├── Jenkinsfile - Contains Jenkins build configuration
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── docker - Contains Dockerfile for the build
│   └── Dockerfile
├── metadata.yml - Component metadata
├── release-manager.yml - Configuration file for the Release Manager
├── - SonarQube Configuration
├── main.go - Example Go file

Frameworks used

None, except the ODS Jenkins Shared Library

Usage - how do you start after you provisioned this quickstarter

Simply start to write Go code, e.g. by extending main.go. No further adjustments should be necessary. Typically, you’d want to use Go modules:

go mod init


The following are typical metadata values that can be used for components based on this quickstarter: Note that the OpenShift resources will be labeled based on this metadata.

name: <the component id (this is the default, if omitted)>
description: "Some microservice implemented in golang"
version: 1.0.1
type: ods
role: backend

How this quickstarter is built through Jenkins

There are six steps:

  • Check that all files are gofmt’d.

  • Run SonarQube analysis.

  • Run all package tests.

  • Build the binary (placing it into the docker directory).

  • Build the container image.

  • Deploy.


Builder agent used

This quickstarter uses Golang builder agent.

Known limitations